to be certified or have a two year associate degree program. This is usually offered at a community college. Some colleges offer bachelor’s degree programs in business admiration, which are four year programs that help you prepare students for this career. Depending on what type of office you want to work in other courses will need to be taken. Your college counselor can help you set those up. You are encouraged to become a certified administrative professional this is a one year program. Most places will require this you will learn research skills, communications skills, supervisor, office management and networking. Some other training may include accounting, marketing, statistics, finance, business writing and law. The salary for an administrative assistant is very appealing to the eye.
Salary ranges from $17.00 dollars an hour to $21.00 an hour. The annual wages are anywhere from 29, 000 to 69,000 a year once again, this depends on what office or what type of work you prefer. The job outlook for this career seems to be very good. From 2008-2010 job opportunities will grow about 11%. With cities growing and business expanding this increases the job outlook also. Many people often retire earlier in this career than some of the other careers this opening positions more often also. As to any career there are some advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages include having all your vacations paid and you have paid days off. You may have the chance to go to high-profile events, concerts and meet allot of high profiled people. The insurance benefits are great along with 401 k and retirement packages. There are many opportunities for advancements as well. Some disadvantages include having to take trips and be away from your family for days or weeks at a time. Administrative assistant have a stressful and challenging job. Your employer allot of times requires you to come in on an emergency basis, this cutting into your family life. Some assistant put in anywhere from 40-80 hours a
week. I know I would like the work an administrative assistant does. I have had to do a presentation and different things for my computer class and found I enjoyed this very much. I’m always up for a challenge and like to prepare things and help people. As a single mother of two I am not sure the hours and traveling would work out for me so well. I’m sure I will look at the different types of office jobs and there requirements and see if I could find something that would suit myself as well as my family. On the positive side for my family and I, the benefits and pay would be a great opportunity to give us an even more stable life. My aunt has been in this career for 23 years. She started out in a small office and now works at the Veteran’s hospital in Knoxville she has done very well for herself and her family. She said there is allot of satisfaction in this career and, allot of chances to advance. She has also given me allot to think about.