State your chosen degree program at Kaplan University.
I have chosen an Associate of Applied Science in Medical Office Management.
Use this website to help you answer this question. and/or What is the nation median salary for the specific job you want to purse?
The nation median salary for this specific job is $84,270 per year/ $40.52 per hour.
Complete an online job search using a site such as, local classified ads, or, entering the geographic location into search location. What is the demand for jobs in your geographic area (or where you plan to live after graduation)?
Within 50 miles of Union, NJ they are 14 demands for Medical Office Management.
What is the salary in your geographic area (south, Midwest, Northeast, etc.)?
The Salary in my geographic area is $69,000 a year.
Why did you choose to pursue a career in your geographic location?
I was born and raised in New York. Now that I have a daughter and a son on the way I want to be close to the city but still be able to have a backyard for my kids. I believe New Jersey is a great location where I can still have my career and children can live in a home rather than apartment.
Are there any required professional certifications (besides the degree you will complete at Kaplan) you will need to perform certain duties of the job? If so how do you plan to meet the criteria for applying and obtaining the extra education?
The required certifications are in medical billing/coding, a CPC, CCA, or CCS-P certification. I can meet the criteria at Kaplan University.
Are there certain program accreditations required from your educational institution to perform certain jobs in your chosen field? Does Kaplan have that accreditation?
The certain accreditations are Certified Medical Administrative Specialist (CMAS) and Certified Coding Associate (CCA).
Use the website to help you answer