KSAO or Knowledge, Abilities, Skills, and Other Characteristics (KSAO) tests are metrics used either during training or hiring processes to evaluate applicants and trainees. The KSAO will typically measure several areas of competency and will use a weighted metric for analysis. The following examples are what one might see in the explanation of the job of Professor of Human Resource Management.
Knowledge- A degree of a PhD or higher in Human Resource Management would be a requirement in this area. Knowledge in a KSAO is typically measured in degrees of higher education and experience in the field in question.
Skills- Typically, skills are measured by performance of competency tests. For instance, a Professor would need leadership skills and test could be devised that would test the leadership of the candidate. There are a variety of skills that may need to be tested for this position and each type of training would need to be customized for the competency in question, e.g., leadership, organization, management, etc...
Abilities- This area of the KSAO is typically measured by performance and the measure of one's ability. The measure of competency will be based on answers derived from a position analysis questionnaire and or a management position description questionnaire (MPDQ). The position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) is organized into six areas of competency based on the job analysis formula for management positions in human resources: (1) information input (2) mental processes (3) work output (physical activities and tools) (4) relationships with others (5) job context (the physical and social environment) (6) other job characteristics (such as pace and structure) (PAQ, 2013)
Using these metrics provide a clear view of the person's
References: Bernardin, H.J. Human Resource Management, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, 2007 PAQ