There are two different purposes of assessment centres. They are mostly commonly known for the purpose of selecting and choosing suitable individuals for jobs. The literature supports the validity of this form of selection and recruiting, most notably a study undertaken by (Gaugler, Rosenthal, Thornton, and Bentson, 1987.) The second purpose for assessment centres is for developing managerial talent. This is where internal participants are developed through the use of assessment centres. Using assessment centres for this purpose was recently studied and supported by (Arthur, Day, McNelly, and Edens, 2003).(Hermelin et al, 2007). Therefore, when starting to design an assessment centre it is important to decide what its purpose is firstly. Throughout this discussion I will talk of assessment centres in general mostly, but at times will also define them individually based on the aim and purpose of the AC.
The first thing required to design and construct a competency based assessment centre is to decide upon the competencies to be observed. (Shippmann et al, 2000) refers to these competencies as the dimensions for assessment and these are usually identified through job analysis. (Thornton, 1992) states that the purpose of assessment centres is to assess performance or behaviour based competencies through the use of simulations and exercises. The job analysis identifies the competencies of the job which allows the designer to shape the exercises to the context of the job. (Kudisch et al. 1999). (Spychalski, 1997) found that 93% of assessment centres undertaken job analysis before the design of the exercises and centre itself. (Kudisch et al. 1999). Found that the more commonly used exercises can be leaderless group discussions, oral presentations to a group of people, fact finding games,
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