Assignment# 3
HRMT 435
Prof. William Ninehan
Issue 1
The company already use selection tool that are interview with HR and by store managers
1. Screening: The company can go through screening. These are conducted before the hiring manager (HR and store managers) selects a final candidates. As per the literature said that they have tp hiring and firing due to the lack of their knowledge in the job.
Initial Screening
The initial screening reviews application materials to determine if minimum qualifications for the position have been met.
The hiring supervisor or search committee will initiate the preliminary screening unless it is requested for HR to conduct the initial screening.
Applications and resumes are evaluated solely on qualifications that are stated in the job announcement.
Applications that meet the minimum qualifications are included in subsequent screening reviews.
Subsequent Screening
Only applicants who met the minimum qualifications are reviewed at this stage.
A fair screening process entails reviewing an applicant's qualifications compared with the qualifications specified in the job announcement.
A screening matrix or other agreed upon method of screening is useful and necessary to the committee's formal charge to evaluate application materials objectively and fairly.
The interview is to gather and assess additional information on each finalist's knowledge, experience, abilities, skills, and traits that will be used to perform the job. It is a comprehensive process that consists of devising relevant questions and scheduling open forums with different employee groups, the hiring department staff, and with external groups as applicable.
2. Skill assessment: Both individuals and employers can use the Workforce Skills Assessment Tool to identify and develop non-technical soft skills required for work and in an employer’s case help match employees to the right jobs, keep staff, and assist employees to move along a