Cheryline Munanye
November 15th, 2013
Gabriel Lewall
Date: November 15th, 2013
Subject: Recruitment and selection strategies
To: Tracy Goldeman
From: Cheryline Munanye
The recruitment and selection process is a very important process for a new company like landslide limousines. To make it easy on the human resources manager the recommendations will split the process into two, step 1: recruitment and step 2: selection. . Before the first step can begin, the hiring manager needs to know the needs of the company to know what positions they will be recruiting for. This needs to be complete in the job analysis process. After knowing the organizational needs, the recruitment …show more content…
can begin.
Organizational goals will be the main focus as the first step of recruitment starts, laying out the goals that need to be accomplish will drive into getting the right people to the jobs. Various organizational goals and objectives, such as providing a stress free transportation system, continual improvement of services and equipment, and the best in the limousine business in Austin. There should be a plan desired around these key milestones of the recruitment process that should include: who are the key hires that the company needs and In Landslide the drivers should be the main hires because they are the people who will drive the company into achieving the desired key milestones. The recruitment process will only be successful through the knowledge of factors that contribute to attaining the right methods and people for the job. The factors in this case can be put in a classification of internal and external. The internal factors will include:
1. Policies that the business will run by and laws by the government, such as age discrimination act which prohibits the discrimination of people who are 40 years and older and Title VII of the civil rights that prohibits discrimination according to nationality, gender, race, or religion.
2. The size of the company. In the case of Landslide it will be a small company of 25 employees anticipated in the first year.
3. The cost of recruitment will be calculated according to the methods the company decides to undertake for recruiting.
4. The growth that is anticipated to be 5% by the first year as well as plans for expansion in the future.
The external factors on the other hand, will include:
1. The supply and demand of limousine services in Austin, Texas. This is also in terms of skills available
2. The rate of unemployment in Austin, Texas. The rate according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is at 5.2% in July 2013.
3. The competitors. Knowing who the company will be competing with will know what place the company plans to take in terms of their brand.
4. Labor market. The suggested labor market would be external as the company starts and internal after the first year of the company beginning operation.
5. The image and brand of the company consists of the message they want to send out to the public in Austin. Through research of the completion in the limousine business in Austin it is recommended that the company brand work toward providing the service the customers deserve in comparison to the completion. Their image will greatly assist in attracting and maintaining of clients.
In the case of demographics it is important to know, what is the projected number of employees the company needs?
The number for the first year is 25 but can be increased after the first year depending on how the supply of skills and demand for services. Such demographical changes depend on the success of the company within the first year into Austin. Changes such as expecting older workers to retire as soon as they reach the retiring age and younger workers coming in to fill in those gaps also can be anticipated in the future. It is also recommended that in the future the company practices the use of internal labor markets by looking at its current employees as a source of labor supply so that the workers see it as a source of advancement in their career. Consider Use of policies such as nondiscrimination and diversity that will change in market conditions. This, according to Cascio can be done through improving characteristics of vacant positions by either increasing the salary or training as well as educational benefits or finally through reducing hiring …show more content…
Diversity in an organization can be a tool to help in achieving the organizational goals. It is a recommendation that the company look at hiring more women to increase in diversity in the organization and also hiring qualified people from different backgrounds. Promoting diversity at Landslide can have a lot of benefits to the company. Some of the main benefits will include an increase in adaptability in the workplace because people from diverse backgrounds will bring different talents and will be flexible enough to adapt in the fluctuating market and customer demands. Another way diversity can be a benefit is that there will be a variety of viewpoints that will provide a large pool of fresh ideas. Finally diversity will help the company provide service to the clients at a broader range through the collection of its skills and experiences of its employees.
There are different methods the company could use in terms of recruiting candidates. The recommended methods might be a bit time consuming but will help in saving capital during recruitment. The first method will be the use of virtual job fairs. This is a technological- based way where recruiters can interact with job seekers and do presentations in a set up almost as a physical one. The job seekers also get to upload their resume and participate in live chats as well as getting the contact information from the recruiters. The second method is going for college recruiting where the recruiter approaches colleges that best meet the needs of the company to identify promising individuals who might be a good fit for the company. The final method is use of employment agencies. The recruiter will provide the agency with all the desired needs of the company and, the agency will be able to provide people selected from a pool of candidates in their database that best suit the company needs. In my research according to yelp which is an online rating site, some of the main employment agencies the company might want to use are A list staffing and Integrated human capital to mention but a few.
The second step of selection includes a screening and selection.
The screening process begins by handing out of application forms to potential employees who fill out requested information, such as their job history as well as educational background. After the application forms have been filled the recruiter will invite the potential employees to an interview section. The recommended way of interviewing is to have two separate interviews. The first interview will be on a one-on-one basis where the recruiter asks questions regarding his or her job history. If the recruiter is impressed by the qualifications of the candidate, he or she will get invited to a second interview which will be a panel interview including Bradley Stonefield. After the interview with the panel is over and the candidate has still managed to impress the panel he or she will undergo some testing. The testing procedures will include drug screening by individuals as required by the U.S. department of transportation, situational tests where the recruiter gives the candidate a situation and how he or she will handle it; according to Cascio, they are supposed to assess the ability to do rather than the ability to know, and finally integrity tests that are supposed to test the candidate’s ability be
The candidate will, however, be considered depending on several factors that include his or her recommendations from previous employers, what their references say about them, and according to the results of their background check. After everything comes out clear it will be up to the recruiter to decide if the candidates available demonstrate the qualities that the jobs available require. The key to a successful company will depend on building a strong team that will drive the company into achieving its organizational goals. The process of recruiting and selecting candidates who match the company’s needs takes a while but, it is the last process in creating a lasting business.
Cascio, W.F (2013) Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (9th ed.) Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Retrieved from University of Phoenix eBook database.
U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (2013): Unemployment rate in Austin, Texas. Retrieved from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics website.
Yelp online rating system (2012): Most rated employment agencies in Austin, Texas. Retrieved from the yelp website.