1. Julia says she and her classmates are now more open to eating healthier lunch options. What caused this? The cafeteria changed its menus to healthy alternatives. Some of the students thought the new food was good and the lunch staff made the food creative.
2. Summarize the findings of the Harvard study that Julia references, and where she thinks those findings can lead: The school started making the meals healthier there for the kids got better ideas of what to eat, not just junk food all the time. They are also eating more fruit and vegetables than they were before.
3. Explain Evan’s point about the downside of new nutrition standards: He thinks that the new foods aren’t appetizing enough …show more content…
for more of the kids to want to eat them and that they are losing money because of it. He agrees with the need to improve the eating habits of our generation, but making the kids eat healthy things that might not taste good is not gonna help much.
4. Why have some schools dropped out of the National School Lunch Program? Some schools have dropped out because they are trying to feed their kids healthy things, but the student aren’t cooperating so they are losing money on throwing the fruits and vegetables away.
5. What information in this article can you apply to your Ashby lunch experience? I think Ashby does a decent job on making healthier lunches available. I sometimes don't agree with some of their lunches they serve, but that is okay. In my opinion, I would want even more access to fruits and vegetables.
Read pp. 4-9 about Hiring
6. Summarize how thinking of yourself as a product to sell can help you at an interview: You will think of all the perks you have done or have.
It will make you think of things that will help you answer their questions and eventually get the job.
7. Explain what it means to “do your homework” before an interview: It means do the research. For example, you could research on what the place you are going to work at is like and what kind of environment it is like. If it is more of a professional place you want to dress appropriately for that than what you would dress like for a job at a gas station.
8. Why is it a good idea to prepare questions to ask the interviewer? It shows that you want to be prepared for the job if you get it and are interested in excelling there. You want to make sure you are able to do everything in your power to do that job correctly and efficiently.
9. Summarize the main things to have in mind when deciding on your “look” for the interview: You don’t want to dress too casual because then it shows that you care a whole lot to be there. You also want to wear the appropriate shoes/accessories. That means to keep it simple, not too much going on, and decent closed toe shoes to show professionalism. You want to also make sure the clothes you are going ot wear look good themselves. Which means that you need to iron or wash the