I have chosen Bella, aged 6 to be my focus child. She is articulate, cheerful and a friendly. She is inquisitive and has a dynamic view on life. She listens well in class and understands what she has to do, and can work both independently and in a group. She enjoys and excels in her artwork. Socially she is very comfortable around peers, adults and communicates to either with respect and consideration. She is able to express her feelings easily.
She comes from an English speaking background with no discernible accent or dialect. I am interested in her reading skill set- the strategies she uses to sound a word and her interpretation or ‘ideational function’ of the text. She enjoys the visual stimulus of the illustrations. She reads her school reading tree books with her mom daily and enjoys looking through the books at school. Literacy is very important part in Bella’s school where ‘good teachers give pupils many opportunities to do independent, silent reading in a school which is richly stocked with books and where teachers and children discuss their books they have read’ (Collins & Safford, 2008, pg.417).
If I use the bottom up approach to reading, she does ‘use phonics to the exclusion of all other cues in reading’ (cited by Atkinson, 2013, pg.8). Because she tends to sound out each grapheme- using synthetic phonics, before blending a word, unless it is a very simple three letter word she recognizes- she sometimes loses the