Market segmentation which is not empirically based. It involves segmenting markets on the basis of assumptions, custom or hunches.
A.C. Nielsen Retail Index:
Provides consumer oriented and media research market intelligence from various sources.
The ability of a measurement to match the actual value of the quantity being measured.
ACORN is a geo-demographic tool assisting business in understanding their target market. ACORN focuses on population location and other lifestyle variables. Individuals in rural locations have different purchasing behavior than those residing in bustling downtown neighborhoods. The information gathered by ACORN allows business to concentrate marketing strategies for specific geographic locations. This impacts marketing campaigns, where to open the next franchise, which store location to close and more.
Action Devices:
A direct marketing technique creating involvement by the respondent through the physical use of an involvement device. Involvement devices typically are tokens or stamps that are used with the marketing material. Publisher’s Clearing House is a good example employing this marketing theory. Related Terms: Involvement Device.
Active Buyer:
An active buyer is a consumer that has made a purchase during the previous 12 months.
Ad Blocker:
Ad blockers prevent an Internet browser from displaying online advertisements. However, ad blockers can prevent useful Internet browsing functions.
Ad Concept Testing:
Testing on a target market segment employed to evaluate advertising theme concepts. The testing results can determine the most appropriate pricing, brand concepts, appeals, and positioning strategy concepts. Respondents provide responses to questionnaires, surveys or interviews.
Ad Hoc Surveys:
A developed survey for the target audience with no previous contact by the examiner.
Ad Positioning Statement Tests:
The evaluation of a positioning statement measuring audience response.