Leadership is learned behavior that becomes unconscious and automatic over time. For example, leaders can make several important decisions about an issue in the time it takes others to understand the question. Many people wonder how leaders know how to make the best decisions, often under immense pressure. The process of making these decisions comes from an accumulation of experiences and encounters with a multitude of difference circumstances, personality types and unforeseen failures. More so, the decision making process is an acute understanding of being familiar with the cause and effect of behavioral and circumstantial patterns; knowing the intelligence and interconnection points of the variables involved in these patterns allows a leader to confidently make decisions and project the probability of their desired outcomes. The most successful leaders are instinctual decision makers. Having done it so many times throughout their careers, they become immune to the pressure associated with decision making and extremely intuitive about the process of making the most strategic and best decisions. This is why most senior executives will tell you they depend strongly upon their “gut-feel” when making difficult decisions at a moment’s notice. The leadership course of the MBA program, taught us about the importance of this competency and its qualities. The course touched the basics and fundamentals of this topic and the learning materials of the course were very exciting. Taking into account the vary chapters of this course which includes (Leadership in Organizations, The Nature of Managerial Work, Perspective on Effective Leadership Behavior, Participative Leadership, Delegation and Empowerment, , Dyadic Relations, Attributions, and Followership, Power and Influence, Managerial Traits and Skills, Early Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership, Charismatic and Transformational Leadership, and Leading Change in Organizations).Our group
Cited: chinaabout. (2013, Feb 18). Retrieved August 7, 2013, from http://www.chinaabout.net/leadership-study-of-steve-jobs-in-apple-inc/: http://www.chinaabout.net http://www.forbes.com/leadership/. (2013, June 15). Retrieved August 8, 2013, from http://www.forbes.com/leadership/: http://www.forbes.com/leadership/