1. ' 'A study on marketing strategy of Apple ' ' December 2012 I ' 'Critical Analysis of using marketing strategies of branding Apple Inc ' ' Maha H
2. ' 'A study on marketing strategy of Apple ' ' December 2012 II Declaration I hereby declare that this dissertation is my own original work and is the result of my own investigations. This dissertation research was conducted to fulfill the requirements of BA (Hons) in Business Administration (Marketing) associated with University of Wales. XYZ December, 2012
3. ' 'A study on marketing strategy of Apple ' ' December 2012 III Acknowledgement I would like to thank a bunch of people who helped me in completion of my dissertation like: My facilitator for guidance and support throughout the dissertation. All respondents and friends for filling in the questionnaires. My family for constant support and motivation.
4. ' 'A study on marketing strategy of Apple ' ' December 2012 IV Abstract , computernicsconsumer electroApple Incorporation is a multinational company that creates and sells The.billionabout US$16363 stores worldwide, with global sales of, insoftware, and personal computers are mainlyiPadand theiPhone,iPodline of computers,Macintoshlikeknown products-company 's well e due to high brand awareness related to these products. Applerecognized as a source of competitive edg ,Final Cut Studio,Aperture,iWork,iLife,iTunes,Mac OS Xalso sells other branded products like, .iOSbrowser andSafari,Logic Studio The main objective of this study is to analyze the importance of using marketing strategies of branding in Apple Inc. The study will help to find out about the related benefits of branding mainly. The details of the study will help us to learn about the consumer 's awareness about the brand and how their loyalty can be increased in order to gain a competitive edge. Also, analyzing the importance of branding can help us to find out about the Apple
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