The theory suggest that each person or group strives to attaint the maximum benefit, and that this causes society to to alter all the time due to social inequality and social conflict. Those who believe in conflict theory think social order comes from those in power insuring lower groups are loyal to the dominant groups. People who are not compliant to being loyal to the laws and boundaries made by those in power will have forces used against them until they obey. Who benefits from certain social arrangements and how people in control stay in control and receive benefits from others is questioned often by conflict theorist. The conflict perspectives are condemned for “...concentrating too much on conflict and change and too little on what produces stability in society” (Tischler, pg.19, 2014), as well as being too ideologically based and not using much research to back up their theories. In response to this criticism, conflict theorists claim that society simply cannot be strategically analyzed, and that trying to do so causes sociologists to not realized the real causes of human…