In A View From The Bridge, the character of Alfieri has a very interesting role throughout the play. Not only he is the narrator, but also he is the only character that can foresee the direction of the play. We see him in many different roles throughout the play and each role adding to the dramatic impact of the play.
The title of the play 'A View from a Bridge' has many different meanings, as it could be seen as Alfieri's 'view from the bridge,' as he is the one narrating the events and telling his view on the events that unfold. From his bird’s eye view from the bridge, Alfieri attempts to present an unbiased view of the play and guides the audience in their moral judgement of the characters. Furthermore the title is literally the play, which is set in Brooklyn Bridge and is about the community around the area and the actions that happen which Alfieri tells as a narrator.
Alfieri has a chorus role (as in Greek dramas). He explains and comments on the different scenarios throughout the paly while still being a part of the play. With a chorus it will help elevate the sense of tragedy and drama. It makes the story flow smoothly since the chorus Alfieri directly addresses the audience.
At the beginning of the play, Alfieri enters as a narrator. "You wouldn't have known it, but something amusing has just happened. You see how uneasily they nod to me?" Alfieri uses the word 'you' to include the audience and to make them feel involved. Also, as the narrator he highlights the importance of certain scenes and actions, as after the scene when Marco and Rodolpho arrive, Alfieri starts to talk again saying "Eddie Carbone had never expected to have a destiny" implying that because Beatrice's cousins have come to stay, something will change. Alfieri also mentions that "we settle for half" and uses repetition as in the first speech