Theatre Appreciation Play “ Doubt”
My first reaction to this play was restricted because of the lack of my open mindedness. This would happen to be my first and only play I have ever seen or even thought of seeing. I didn’t expect much but as it started it began to catch my attention and make me actually want to listen and take in the purpose and meaning of this particular act. Having not knowing what other plays are like, I thought this one was pretty cool because the stage was the center of attention with audiences on both sides. Overall I was very impressed on the actors’ performances. Father Flynn the supposed molester, Ms. Muller the mother of the young boy, the only African American boy in the school, Sister James the young teacher whom likes Father Flynn, and Sister Aloysius who thinks he’s a molester.
Each actor was different in there own way with different characteristics, which could pertain to our modern day life. The major idea of this play to me is you never know who anyone really is and what anyone is capable of. Even the mom, Ms. Miller turned the other way when Sister Aloysius told her she thinks Father was doing some bad stuff with her kid.
The main strength of this performance to me was the acting, however Sister James acted a little to happy, and tried too much in her performances. The weakness of this performance was the stage setup and its limited props. Father Flynn was to loud and over the top as if he was screaming at the audience. It was staged like I said, pretty cool, different in my opinion with three different sections on one big platform stage. These sections were lit up pertaining to its different plot settings as the play continued. The actors were great. Besides mother Muller weaknesses, Sister James was pretty hot so I liked her acting the most. The story was surprising for me; I didn’t think they would have “molesting” especially between a father, an important figure in the Church, and a young child as the