Title:Comparison of Araby and A&P
Paragraph 1 (Introduction)
Topic Sentence:Although they were written in different times, as well as in different countries, they have many similarities.
Subtopic sentence:These similarities can be found both in their contexts and their settings.
Paragraph 2~5(Body)
Paragraph 2:Compare their settings.
Topic sentence:What catches the readers’ attention in both stories first, are the settings.
Item 1:
1. uses many negative words while describing the setting.
2. the dullness and the gloominess of that city
Transitional expression + Item 2:
1. Similarly, Sammy in A&P describes the town he lives in by referring to everyone around him as sheep, vividly describing the distinction between the beach and his town.
2. a small town with many mostly older people who lead uneventful lives, and a young boy who has lived there and worked in the same shop all his life.
Concluding sentence:In this way we know that both characters are not happy with the lives they are leading. They have no ambitions and nothing to hold on to. Everything they talk about wounds too simple.
Paragraph 3, 4:Compare their characters.
Topic sentence:With nothing to hold on to, both characters are in search of something that will give them the courage to do something different, something that will spice up their lives.
Item 1:
1. the escape from his boring everyday life comes with his love for a girl.
2. the only light in his dark life, his only source for joy.
3. devotes himself to this girl so much that she becomes a god-like figure.
4. feels like it is his duty and responsibility to make the girl happy.
Transitional expression + Item 2:
1. The same thing happens to Sammy