Alister McGrath, Christianity’s Dangerous Idea
Name of Student: Jose Rodriguez
Student ID: L25122679
Class: CHHI 525-BO7
Instructor’s Name: Dr. Douglas Mann
Date Submitted: 06/20/2012
Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Book Content a. History of the Protestant Reformation b. How Protestantism Manifested c. The Transformation and how its view today III. Protestantism in America d. Great Awakening IV. Conclusion V. Bibliography
Alister McGrath’s is the author of Christianity’s Dangerous Idea. The author attempts to provide a detail account and depiction of the history of Protestantism from the sixteenth century to the twenty-first century. He’s analytical approach is made clear in his book as he details the entire Protestant Reformation from its early uprising to it effects it has in today society. McGrath states, “The dangerous new idea, firmly embodied at the heart of the Protestant revolution, was that all Christians have the right to interpret the Bible for themselves” (p.2). Throughout the fascinating book, he takes a simplistic approach by furthering the reformation accounts in three main points. The origin, manifestation and transformation that the movement would consist of.
Book Content
History of the Protestant Reformation
McGrath details in the first eight chapters the traditional background of the Western Europe reformation and how it established its early existence. We are introduced to German Martin Luther and his approach to broadening the concept of the church and the focus of Justification by faith. Other Protestantism such as John Calvin, the Anabaptist and Switzerland are also addresses for their contributions.
The creation of Anglicanism is also addressed in his book as examines the English religion and government. He also addresses the English civil war of 1640, which was between the puritans and the Anglicans. This war had great implication to