Local Hero V.S American War Heroes
By Nick Bird
Altruism starts with love for others and knowing their needs to survive and live happily. You must give their benefits before your benefits first. Therefore at no time you receive benefits from others. An altruistic person does not believe or say they are going to help people to make them happy. An altruistic person says or believes they are going to help someone to make them happy not themself.
Under the guidelines outlined above questions are raised, such as are the American war heroes are more altruistic? The American war heroes have saved many people and generations around the world whereas Walt Kowalski the ‘Local Hero’ saved one suburb, mainly one family. Considering the number of people saved by the American war heroes this would make them more altruistic. We could then argue that most of the American war heroes did not choose to be in this situation. Did the American war heroes want to help people or are they fighting for themselves before the people of their own country? But for Walt it was all about helping the family next door. This leads us to question whether the Servicemen and women of American are altruistic because they did not choose to be in their position in the war?
Regardless of these two questions both the American war heroes and Walt show great bravery and with bravery comes compassion for others and for the world we live in. These
characteristics are a great start to becoming altruistic. Obviously bravery and altruism have a lot of comparisons but does this mean to be altruistic do you have to be brave? If this is true, is bravery a measure of altruism?
Altruism is a powerful message to the people around you that you care about despite what people think. Auguste Comte (the creator of altruism) did not create the term so that people can measure who is more altruistic. In fact