Professional Values for the BSN Student
Complete the worksheet with a substantive response to each prompt.
Define each term using the course textbooks or a peer-reviewed resource.
Describe how you, as a BSN student, demonstrate each value as you interact with patients and other health care providers. Provide specific examples of how your values influence your attitudes and behaviors. Each response must be 100 to 150 words.
Value Definition Personal Demonstration
Altruism “Altruism has been viewed or defined as a professional value of the nursing discipline. It is an important professional value that exhibits characteristics of ethical behavior in professional nursing practice.” (Constance L. Milton & PhD, 2012) Altruism can be demonstrated by have concern for the well-being of others, including patients, families, coworkers, and other clinicians. (The American Association of College of Nurses, 2008)
Autonomy “Autonomy is associated with allowing or enabling patients to make their own decisions about which healthcare interventions they will or will not receive. “(Entwistle, Carter, Cribb, & Mccaffery, 2010) An example of autonomy would be allowing a patient to choose between a surgical procedure verses a noninvasive treatment.
Human Dignity According to Nursing World Code of Ethics, “Code 1.1 – Respect for human dignity is a fundamental principle that underlies all nursing practice is respect for the inherent worth, dignity, and human rights of every individual. Nurses take into account the needs and personal values of all persons in all professional relationships.” (The American Nurses Association, 2010) (Lawless & Moss, 2007) Human dignity applies to all persons we come into contact with. Personally, I feel all individuals should be treated with respect and dignity, regardless if I am in a professional setting or not.
Integrity Integrity in nursing practice also includes moral accountability. “Nurses who