In considering similarities between movies in these two periods, it must be emphasized that either of them is one phase of the development. All movies have certain features in common. Firstly, both of them are culture-specific reaction. Movie reflects these cultures, creating cultural heritage, and thus affect them. Movie is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method for educating. Secondly, both of them are based on at least one story. Movie is one of the few arts that are both spatial and temporal, intentionally manipulating both space and time. Finally, we classify movies on the same basis. A preview summarizes the main idea of a movie providing suitable amount of information to perform the genre classification. Despite these superficial similarities, huge differences can be easily found in several aspects.
The main difference between the movies in these two periods is technology and equipment used in the movie manufacturing process. There are no conditions to create high-tech movie 30 years