ENGL 1102 (T/R 9:30a.m.)
February 1, 2013
Short Story Analysis Paper
Topic: Hills like White Elephants
Meaningful Hills Hills are seen as just abstract objects in a distance, some may be seen as beautiful and they are hard to get around when you don’t have the best way to overcome them. In the short story an American man and a girl named Jig are sitting in a rail station waiting for the train to Madrid. While they are waiting, they have an intense, ongoing discussion over whether or not Jig will get an abortion. The hills are viewed as a symbol of how big obstacles can set minor setback in life, but you have to find a way around to move on. In the story, Jig looked at the hills and said, "They look like white elephants." To Jig the case was very rare to encounter such animal. The hills on the other hand represent big obstacles that we must climb, but they are not enormous mountains. This represents the fact that the girl's baby is a key obstacle in her life, but it is not the end of her life and she will make it through. The only problem is that the American is trying to convince her to go thru with the operation, thus causing certain conflict between the couple. Even though Jig knows she will be ok if she allows the baby to live, the Americans negativity affects her mood and thoughts on their relationship. Hills are also perspectives to look out from, but also block the view for those who reside in the valley. This represents how in the story Jig looks at the hills and sees opportunity, yet at the same time the American looks at the hills and sees nothing, his vision of a positive and happy future is congested by the enormous obstacle of the child. The happiness that the baby will transfer to the couple would make everything feel perfectly fine to Jig. The fact that the American sees this as a negative effect on their lives really hurts Jig. Nevertheless she wants to make things work with him, and she will try to until their journey