Firstly, Mrs. Mallard’s character is a sympathetic character. She is a young lady who is not happy in her marriage life. She has no freedom in her life as the American wives in the late nineteenth century were in the control of their husbands and all the power is the husband’s hands. Wives can’t do any job. They cannot do what they want. As her husband dies, she gets sad at the same time she feels relieved that she got her independence to live a new life. On the other hand, the girl in the story “Hills like White Elephants” is persuasive. All over the story, the girl appears helpless, puzzled. She is confused whether to have an …show more content…
The both ladies stares at the sceneries. Mrs. Mallard stares through her window and the girl stares at the mountains. Both stories has an essence of freedom. For Mrs. Mallard, the death of her husband means she can finally have the freedom to live for herself. But the freedom she got was all of a sudden and she couldn’t take it even though she feels like she is free from everything. To the girl, freedom is her choice. She wants to have a baby and it is her freedom of choice but the American doesn’t want her to have a baby. The two stories shows us the ladies depended on their partners and the men commands. Throughout the story “Hills like White Elephants” the American tells the girl what to do. He even won’t give her the chance to decide whether to have an abortion or not, instead he says to go for it. But the girl doesn’t want it to