“The Post-Cold War World, 1992 - 2008”
Continuing influx of new immigrants
Reshapes demographic patterns
Census shows rapid growth at the fastest pace in decades
Reflected steady growth in population of non-whites
a). The New Pilgrims
Second great wave of immigrants change “look” of America
17.5 Million immigrants (1981-2000)
Largest immigration period in U.S. history
By 2005, immigrants make up 12.4% of U.S. population
Immigrants settle in Western states (nearly 40%)
Economic and cultural shifts
LAX airport becomes new port of entry
California, the most populous state
Sources of recent immigration
More than ⅓ (legal, illegal) come from Central America
¼ come from Asia
Latino population grows by 24%
Asian population swells by 28%
Illegal immigration remains a problem
About ⅓ of immigrants in America are illegal
Nearly 850,000 unauthorized entrants yearly
Nation’s “Broken Borders”
Immigrants lose lives crossing the border into America from Mexico
Immigration Act of 1965
Part of Johnson’s Great Society program
Authorized impartial acceptance of immigrants from all parts of the world
Directly responsible for influx of Asians, Mexicans
Immigration Reform And Control Act of 1986
Aimed at curbing illegal immigration
Offered amnesty to aliens living in U.S.
Immigration Act of 1990
Opened doors wider
Rose immigration quotas
Cut back on restrictions for entry
Swift deportation of criminal aliens
Eligibility expanded again in 1992`
2001- U.S. and Mexico begin talkin about border security
Ease permits to allow illegals to stay
Rise in immigration led to anti-immigration feelings
Social assistance programs based upon the welfare state
Theme of multiculturalism
Signs of a larger American identity, values
Fear of loss of jobs to immigrants
Cultural backlash of conflicting social patterns
Proposition 187, California- 1994
Denied illegal immigrants