How did the conflict with France cause problems for the Federalist party?
- The conflict with France caused problems with the Federalist party, because John Adams refused to declare war with France. they had raised a bunch of taxes and built a good navy, and then had not gotten any reason to justify such spending, making them seem fraudulent as they had also swelled the public debt What tactic did the Federalists take to try to gain support? List some examples.
They launched various attacks on Jefferson
They claim he had robbed a widow and her children of a trust fund, fathered numerous children with his slaves (which turned out to be true), called him an atheist (he was a Deist), and used other inflammatory remarks. The Jeffersonian “Revolution of 1800”
What was decisive in Jefferson’s victory?
- The three fifths clause of the constitution.
Revolution of 1800:
Jefferson called the election of 1800 a “revolution” because Hamilton and Adams had betrayed the ideals of 1776 and1787.
What were Jefferson’s goals as president?
- to restore the republican experiment
- to check the growth of government power
- to halt the decay of virtue that had set under federalist rule.
Why was this election remarkable? (1) there was a peaceful transfer of power; Federalists stepped down from office after Jefferson won and did so peacefully, though not necessarily happily. (2) the Republicans were more of the “people’s party” compared to the Federalists.
Responsibility Breeds Moderation
In what ways was Jefferson an unconventional president?
He would receive callers in sloppy attires- once in a dressing gown and heelless slippers.
He started the precedent of sending messages to Congress to be read by a clerk.
Jefferson, a Reluctant Warrior
Why did Jefferson reduce the size of