Advanced Human Resources Management
BS5 1A
Final Assigment : AREVA
Alexandre de Bayser
Before to start, I would like to remind you that I have done my internship in HR department at AREVA. Most of the information that I am going to share has been collected with experience, discussion and personal analyse. That’s why I won’t be able to cite all of my sources. At the same time, please agree that most of the information could be under restriction. They could not be use as references because of my contract.
Before to start explaining the HR structure at AREVA, we have to understand what is AREVA, how it has been created and then how political environment influences a lot its political.
Thanks to this understanding, we could then start to analyse the HR structure at AREVA. The main topics that we are going to tell about are the strategy, the organisational structure and agility, the workforce engagement (capability and capacity), the succession planning strategy. After all of those points, we are going to identify some main HR troubles and we will suggest solutions to solve them.
Areva’s history
AREVA has been created in 2001 from the merger between 3 companies. Those 3 companies were COGEMA, FRAMATOME ANP and TECHNICATOME (“AREVA” Wikipedia and website). We will see later that this merger is the origin of many HR troubles in the company. The goal was to create a leader company in the nuclear industry. As today, AREVA is the leader in nuclear industry, we could think from outside that this merger has been a success, but during this report, you will see that many problems still occurs from this merger even 12 years after the merger.
Actually if we want to be really precise, it is important to notice that AREVA is just the new governance structure that has been created in 2001. The merger between the three companies is dated from 1983. It means that 30 years after