Resignation of Auditors
Auditors deposit written notice together with statement of circumstances relevant to members & creditors or statement that no circumstances exist
Notice of resignation Sent by company to Registrar of Companies within 14 days
Statement of circumstances Sent by auditors to Registrar of Companies within 28 days
Sent by company to everyone entitled to receive a copy of accounts within 14 days
Convening of general meeting
Auditors can require directors to call a general meeting to discuss circumstances of resignation. Directors must send out notice for meeting within 21 days of this request. Meeting must take place within 28 days of notice of meeting being sent out.
Statement prior to general meeting
Auditors may require the company to circulate the statement of circumstances to everyone entitled to notice of meeting.
Other rights of auditors To receive all notices that relate to a general meeting at which their term of office would have expired; to a general meeting where casual vacancy caused by resignation will be filled.
The auditor is entitled to speak at these meetings on any matter that concerns them as auditors.
Removal of Auditors
Notice of removal
Either a special notice is required with a copy being sent to the auditor or ordinary resolution to terminate auditors’ appointment. Directors must convene meeting to take place within 28 days of notice.
Auditors can make representations as to why they should remain in office – auditors can require that these representations be sent to members.
If resolution passed
Company must notify the Registrar of companies within 14 days
Auditors must deposit statement of circumstances at company’s registered office within 14 days of ceasing to hold office. Statement must be sent to Registrar of companies within 28 days of deposit.
Auditors rights
To receive all notices that relate to a