The school can be said to be a business in some ways. The headmaster would be the owner and the teachers etc. are the employees. The headmaster motivates the teachers in many ways and below we have three different perspectives of how the teachers are motivated. We have the perspective of the headmaster, the pastoral staff and a teacher. This is how they are motivated:
• The headmaster leads the school by example. There needs to be a vision set for the school as well as where they will be going in the future. He sets a leadership role model which is someone the teachers can look up to for advice and help.
• The headmaster spends time with the teachers; he gets to know them on a more personal level.
• The headmaster gives praise to the teacher which makes them feel happy and wanted and so this would help.
• The headmaster talks to teachers about the future of the kids and where they might go. For example the P.E. staff would be able to see students who are playing pro rugby etc.
• The pastoral staffs has said that they are motivated by job satisfaction as they get a good feeling from helping kids out with their problems and as a result they have job satisfaction from the help that they are giving. This then would lead to job commitment as they would like to do this more and so they would be committed to wake up and come in everyday so that they could make a difference. As a result they know that they are doing something right.
• A teacher Ms Mubashar says that she is motivated in a different way once again. She told us that Mr Williams motivates her through his personality and praise. As a result it makes it seem like she is doing a good job and due to this factor it will be more likely that