CH 1
1) What is personal selling? Relationship based selling
2) Explain the difference between traditional “transaction focused” selling and “trust-based” relationship selling. …transaction based ends after the sale
3) How does personal selling contribute to society, businesses, and customers? Strengthens relationships leading to increased sales and productivity
4) Briefly describe the five alternative approaches to personal selling. Which are more transaction based and which are more trust-based?
Stimilus Response-Scripted
Mental States- Curiosity___sales
Need satisfaction
Problem Solving
5) Briefly describe the three major phases of the trust-based sales process. Understanding customer value –creating and communicating value and delivering value
1) Trust is a very complex concept. What five questions that are commonly asked by customers are answered when the salesperson is trusted?
2) Identify and describe the five characteristics of a salesperson that help that salesperson to earn a customer’s trust. How can a salesperson demonstrate each of the characteristics?
a. Expertise, compatibility, customer orientation, dependability and candor
3) In order for salespeople to earn customers’ trust, they must be knowledgeable in several different areas. Identify and briefly describe the various types of knowledge a good salesperson should possess. Why is it important for salespeople to have a good knowledge base in each of these different areas?
a. Industry, company, product, service, price,market,competitor, tech
4) Assume you get a job as a sales representative. How can you determine which sales practices are ethical and which are unethical?
Company laws and guidelines
5) American society clearly defines some practices, such as deception, as unethical. Identify three practices that qualify as deception.
a. Exagerating benefits, unfounded answers withholding information
6) Some sales practices are