Study Guide - Exam 1
Customer-Oriented Sales Call Model
1. Know the Seven Steps in the Selling Process, including a brief description of each one and what happens during each step
a. Prospecting & qualifying
i. Prospecting-identifying potential customers ii. Qualifying-screening leads
b. Preapproach
i. Learning as much as possible about a prospective customer prior to making a sales call
c. Approach
i. Stage where the salesperson meets the customer for the first time
d. Presentation & demonstration
i. Benefits of the product are presented and demonstrated ii. Understanding prospect needs is key
e. Handling objectives
i. Answering questions and addressing concerns
f. Closing
i. Asking for the order
g. Follow up
i. Ensures customer satisfaction
2. Know the four phases of the Customer-Oriented Sales Call Model, including the specific steps within each phase
a. Phase 1- Establishing Rapport
i. Introduce yourself and your company ii. initiate social conversation iii. shift attention to topic of business
b. Phase 2- Discovering customers’ needs
i. Discovering customers needs and situation factors ii. Confirm customers needs
c. Phase 3- Making your presentation
i. Propose a customer action ii. Explain how needs are met by this action iii. Verify the proposed customer action
d. Phase 4- Closing the sale
i. Ask for customer commitment ii. Ask customer to initiate action
3. Within Phase 4, Closing the Sale, know what to do when the customer says yes, maybe or no
a. Yes----confirm the sale(thank them for the order,remind them of benefits, reassure)
b. Maybe---follow general strategies for negotiating buyer resistance
c. No----thank them for their time
Handling Objections and Negiotiating Buyer Resistance
4. Define negotiation—
a. working to reach an agreement that is mutually satisfactory to both buyer and seller
5. Define features and benefits
a. Features—anything that can be seen, felt or measured
b. Benefits---whatever