Your knowledge of marketing now includes market research, the marketing mix, and the marketing strategy including product and price. Additionally, you must understand the many strategic decisions related to placing and promoting a product or service in the market.
The emphasis in Week Four is on the concepts of placement and promotion. You develop an understanding of distribution channels, and the effect of channel management on marketing. The promotion of products and services is also discussed.
Marketing Strategy: Place and Promotion
OBJECTIVE: Analyze the impact of channel management decisions on marketing.
Resources: Ch. 11 & 12 of Basic Marketing
• Ch. 11: Place and Development of Channel Systems of Basic Marketing
o Marketing Strategy Planning Decisions for Place o Place Decisions Are Guided by “Ideal” Place Objectives o Channel System May Be Direct or Indirect o Channel Specialists May Reduce Discrepancies and Separations o Channel Relationship Must Be Managed o Vertical Marketing Systems Focus on Final Customers o The Best Channel System Should Achieve Ideal Market Exposure o Channel Systems Can Be Complex Entering International Markets
• Ch. 12: Distribution Customer Service and Logistics of Basic Marketing
o Physical Distribution Gets It to Customers o Physical Distribution Customer Service o Physical Distribution Concept Focuses on the Whole Distribution System o Coordinating Logistics Activities among Firms o The Transporting Function Adds Value to a Marketing Strategy o Which Transporting Alternative Is Best? o The Storing Function and Marketing Strategy o Specialized Storing Facilities May Be Required o The Distribution Center—A Different Kind of Warehouse
OBJECTIVE: Select appropriate distribution channels.
Resources: Ch. 11 & 12 of Basic Marketing
• Ch. 11: Place