*Same format; some true false Exam in general
Chapters 4, 7,8,9,10,11
Know cases! May ask something specific about case. Read carefully, look at questions, understand what we discussed in class, and how we interpreted in class Ch. 7
Know advantages and disadvantages of online surveys and focus groups pg. 186, 188
Advantages of Online Focus Groups
Lower Costs
Faster turnaround time
Ability to be geographically separate and be located anywhere
Intangibles such as increased openness on the part of respondents when they do not have a moderator
Disadvantages of Online Focus Groups
Group Dynamics
Nonverbal Inputs
Client Involvemen
Exposure to External Stimuli
Role and Skill of the Moderator
Advantages of Online Surveys
Rapid deployment, real-time reporting
Reduced costs
Ready personalization
High response rates
Ability to contact the hard-to-reach
Simplified and enhanced panel management
External Internet panels simplify life for the research supplier
Disadvantages of Online Surveys
Internet users are not representative of the population as a whole
Unrestricted internet sample
Sample frame needed may not be available on the internet
Lack of "callback" procedures to clarify open-end responses
Potential for questionnaire programming errors
Lack of bandwidth
Know types of online focus groups
Real-Time Online Focus Groups
Time-Extended Online Focus Groups
Ch. 4
Primary data - new data gathered to help solve the problem under investigation
Secondary data - data that have been previously gathered
Know sources of secondary data
Innumerable government
Departments and agencies that compile and publish summaries of business data
Trade and industry associations
Business periodicals
Advantages and disadvantages of secondary data
Advantages of secondary data
Can be obtained at a fraction of the cost, time, and inconvenience associated with primary data collection
May help to clarify or redefine the problem during the exploratory research process