2. Frank tennenbaum was the earliest scholar to argue that general state intervention dramatizes evil
3. Radical scholars argue that the origins and application of criminal labels were influenced by fundamental inequities rooted in the structure of capitalism.
4. Which of the following is not a policy of the labeling theory (denial)
5. Labeling theorist view crime as a social construct
6. Kiershi is a scholar that did not contribute to the labeling theory
7. Chiricos in 2007 conducted a study that included except ( thows that come from a rich neighborhood)
8. The policy of deinstitutionalization is for the lessening of prison population instead placing them in community programs
9. What is the theory that focuses on struggles between individuals and their groups in terms of the power differential ( conflict theory)
10. Daren dorf took the position because cultural norms always exist and have more power than others to make sanctions stick.
11. During the 1960’s the rise of social movement ended social descent.
12. Turk stressed assignment of criminal statues may have less connection to the behavior of that person than with the relationships to authority.
13. According to turk people in possession of authority must be( organized authority)
14. Bonse behaviors were classified as crimes if they threatened the powerful
15. Seeelen stressed the problem of culture conflict as a source of crime maintaining that different groups learn different conduct norms
16. Volg argued political standing was an election and thows who lost were criminals
17. Postmodern criminology major source of crime unequal race, class, and gender relations control society
18. Modern refers to a theory that can be tested and was the enlightenment of the 19th century.
19. Critical criminology includes perspectives like, left realism and abolitionism and new criminology
20. Early left realism