The above examples help us believe in the accuracy of sensory information and act accordingly but sometime there might be some reasons that make us have a doubt on the accuracy of sensory information and such three reasons are as follows * Sometimes when you are crossing a road or a street you might find a vehicle heading towards you and then you sense of sight might say that it’s far and you response and try to cross the road but then you suddenly realize that the vehicle is too close and then you might be in some tough situation * Sometime the past experiences might prove your sensory information wrong as you might love certain dish but this time when you are having it, it might taste awful * We might see two kids fighting and then we separate them and scold them, the reason would be that our sense of sight saw and send the signal that kids are fighting but actually they were playing
These points clearly indicates that although our sense might be working properly and often helps us take correct decision but we should not always trust them completely as at times there might me some misinterpretation of data send by sensory organs
There are many factors that contribute to the accuracy of the sensory organs and few of them are described below * Past Experience: we might have seen vehicle slowing