Biofuels are expected to be produced in larger volumes in the coming decades.
However, unlike other renewable energy strategies (solar, wind, sea waves), biomass resources are constrained by the availability of land and water. Energy inputs and fertilizers are also required in their growth, cultivation and production. In some cases, biofuels can consume a significant amount of energy that is derived from fossil fuels
(Blottnitz and Curran, 2007). Some examples are operation of machinery for cultivating, harvesting and transportation, steam and electricity for processing, etc.
The large scale development of agricultural biomass systems is not without additional emissions and ecological risks. Certain sources of biomass feedstock, especially palm oil, have been subject to much debate as its cultivation is reported to be linked with negative environmental effects such as depletion of land and agrobiodiversity (Mattsson et al., 2000; Kesavan and Swaminathan, 2007). In recent studies on the use of biofuels, the United Nations suggest that as long as biofuels are produced in a sustainable manner, they can bring many positive benefits to society and on the environment (Associated Press, 2007; CBS News, 2007). On the other hand, if not managed properly, issues such as deforestation, water contamination and shortage of food supply can result in severe drawbacks.In 2007 it was reported that the value of Malaysia's palm oil exports reached a record high due to strong worldwide demand caused by the boom in biofuels (Channel
News Asia, 2007). Another recent article by an energy expert (Cockcroft, 2008) explained that due to the high costs of biomass resources, a few biodiesel plants in
Asia have ceased operation. This was triggered by the high demand for crops in
Europe and other countries, triggered by the search for alternative fuels. If not selected wisely, bioenergy development may compromise food security