Mr. Mark Anthony L. Senapilo government The Philippine Corrections System is composed of the institutions in the government, civil society and the business sector involved in the confinement, correction and restoration of persons charged for and/or convicted of delinquent acts or crimes. The public sector formulates sound policies and rules on corrections, penology and jail management, rehabilitation and restoration. All prisons or penitentiaries, jails and detention centres are under the direct control and supervision of the government. The government, thus, plays a dominant role in the correction and rehabilitation of offenders plays a dominant role in the correction and rehabilitation of offenders
Civil Society
The civil society which includes the non-government organizations, people’s organizations, religious organizations, academe and the media, provide support services such as health services, training, livelihood, spiritual guidance and counseling. It is also active in advocacy and social mobilization for the protection of inmates’ human rights and enhancement of access to justice.
The business sector
The business sector has minimal participation in corrections services but offers tremendous opportunities for improved efficiency and public sector exit options.
Prison/Penitentiary, Jail Distinguished
A “jail” is defined as a place of confinement for inmates under investigation or undergoing trial, or serving short-term sentences.
“prison” which refers to the national prisons or penitentiaries managed and supervised by the Bureau of Corrections, an agency under the Department of Justice.
Jails include provincial, district, city and municipal jails managed and supervised by the Provincial Government and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), respectively, which are both under the Department of the Interior and Local Government. Municipal and city prisoners are committed to municipal, city or district