Overview of contents and structure for teaching activities
Overview of contents and structure
Prior to the beginning of each semester, the teacher or teaching team fills out the overview of contents and structure below . The overview is filed in the Fronter folder named “Undervisningens struktur og indhold” no later than on the 20th of August (for autumn semesters) and the 20th of January (for spring semesters). The overview contains information for students and provides an outline of the teaching activities of each semester. The overview consists of a schedule containing general information and a week- or topic based schedule.
The overview describes the expected course of the semester and the planned activities for the subjects/projects. In the case of changes in the course of the semester, the overview must be adjusted. It is important that the Fronter folder “Structure and contents of teaching activities” at all times contains a current and updated overview. This will ensure that at the end of each semester the overview will cover the actually completed activities.
General information:
Study programme and class FORMTEXT MM247
Date and name of the teacher who has filled out the overview of contents and structure FORMTEXT 19/8 Bo Stærke Jensen
Semester FORMTEXT Fall 2014
Title of subject / project FORMTEXT Business law
What will the student have learnt/be able to do when having completed the subject/project? FORMTEXT During the subject "Business law" you´ll learn about the danish legal system and which rules, you´ll have to be aware of, when you´re working with the other courses in your study programme i.e. Marketing, Sales, Ecconomics, Communication and Management.
Business law is divided into two semestres. First semester focuses primarilly on "Sources of law", "Contract law", Security", "Labour law" and "Company law". Second semester focuses on "Tort law", "Danish and international sales" and "Market law".
Contents FORMTEXT "Business law" gives the students insigts in a number of legal areas within the topics of "The legal system", "Contract law", "Labour law", Insolvensy law etc.
Having completed the course the students are to be able to assess a variety of central business legal issues concerning "Contract law", "Intermediaries", "Labour law", "Liability", "Individual and universal proceedings" and "Securitees"
Method FORMTEXT Theory lessons supplemented with assigned exercises
Curriculum / literature FORMTEXT Business Law, 1st edition 2012, by Kennet Fischer Föh, Lene Mandøe and Bjarke Tinten. Hans Reitzels Forlag (ISBN 978-87-7675-860-8)
Props and equipment FORMTEXT
Test form / assessment FORMTEXT Multiple choice digital test and 24 hour written case exam
Other general information FORMTEXT
WEEK TOPIC CONTENTS . Describe the expected content of the week’s lessons in a few sentences Literature Teacher initials FORMTEXT 37 FORMTEXT Introduction FORMTEXT The legal system FORMTEXT Ch. 1. FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 37 FORMTEXT Introduction FORMTEXT The legal system FORMTEXT Ch. 1. FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 38 FORMTEXT Contract law FORMTEXT Entering a contract
Interpretation and gapfilling FORMTEXT Ch. 4.1-4.3 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 39 FORMTEXT Contract law FORMTEXT Intermediaries and middlemen FORMTEXT Ch. 4.4 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 39 FORMTEXT Contract law FORMTEXT Invalidity FORMTEXT Ch. 4.5 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 40 FORMTEXT Contract law FORMTEXT Termination
Consumer contracts FORMTEXT Ch. 4.6-4.7 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 41 FORMTEXT Insurance law FORMTEXT Insurance FORMTEXT Ch. 14 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 41 FORMTEXT Company law FORMTEXT Legal persons´liability FORMTEXT Ch. 15 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 43 FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 44 FORMTEXT Labour law FORMTEXT Collective labour law
Employment law
Maternity leave
Holiday FORMTEXT Ch. 17 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 44 FORMTEXT Individual proceedings FORMTEXT Dept collection FORMTEXT Ch. 3.1-3.2 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 46 FORMTEXT Universal proceedings FORMTEXT Reconstruction
Debt rescheduling FORMTEXT Ch. 3.3 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 47 FORMTEXT Universal proceedings FORMTEXT Bankruptcy FORMTEXT Ch. 3.3 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 47 FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 48 FORMTEXT Credit agreements FORMTEXT Reservation of title FORMTEXT Ch. 11.4-11.6 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 48 FORMTEXT Guarantees FORMTEXT Types of guarantees FORMTEXT Ch. 10.5 FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 49 FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT Exercises FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 49 FORMTEXT Real Estate FORMTEXT The effect of the priority ranking
The effect of validation FORMTEXT Ch. and FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 50 FORMTEXT Security FORMTEXT Mortgage on real estate FORMTEXT Ch. 9.4.1 - 9.4.3 and 9.4.5. FORMTEXT BSJE FORMTEXT 50 FORMTEXT Security FORMTEXT Chattel
Mortgage/Mortgages on movable property FORMTEXT 9.5.1 - 9.5.2
For subject lessons an overview of contents and structure is filled out for each subject and class. In the case of a combination of subject lessons and project organised teaching an overview is filled out for each subject as well as a separate overview for the project. If the teaching of a whole semester is carried out as project organised teaching, only one overview covering the entire semester is filled out. If several teachers share the teaching of subject lessons the overview of contents and structure for the subject is filled out by the teachers responsible for the subject and the class. For project courses the teachers affiliated to the project in question fill out the overview of contents and structure. It has been decided to create a level in Fronter in which all overviews of contents and structure are to be filed. This level in Fronter is common to all departments in Lillebaelt Academy of Professional Higher Education.
Describe the general contents of the subject/project in 5-10 lines using your own words (this means no copy/pasting from the curriculum).
Describe the educational methods used. Examples:
Theory lessons supplemented by assigned exercises
Analysis/documentation in connection with a project work
Excursions and lectures
Project work, partially or entirely
Literature sources for books, articles etc. which are expected to be used in the subject/project are stated here.
This field offers the possibility to give additional information to the students.
For projects, it must always be described how and when supervision takes place.
In the topic field it is stated which of the subjects’ topics are expected to be covered in the week in question. For projects, the topic of e.g. project courses, project input or supervision is stated. If there is supervision with no predefined topic, please state “Supervision”.
The expected content of the subject lessons, project courses etc. is described in the content field in 3-5 sentences. If “Supervision” is stated in the topic field and there is no further statement of topic, it must also be described where, when and how the supervision is carried out.
Additional references to literature, which is expected to be read / reviewed during the week(s) in question, are stated in the literature field.
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