Ms. Binn (binnj@flaglerschools.com)
Phone #: 447-1575 ext 5135
Link to Course Standards: http://www.cpalms.org/Courses/PublicPreviewCourse662.aspx
* I. Course Requirements: 1. NOTEBOOK: Students will have to keep a class notebook. The notebook will be for notes/handouts/assignments/ and VOCABULARY (unless you have a separate notebook for vocabulary). Notebook MUST be a three ring binder-so papers can be added where necessary. It is expected that all students will maintain their notebook with all class material in CHRONOLOGICAL order. Notebook will be set up in chapters/parts, just as material is covered in the class and textbook. Notebooks can be checked at random. **The Course Syllabus/Course Requirements MUST be the first pages in your notebook.
2. VOCABULARY: Vocabulary will be a separate section (or if you choose-a separate notebook). Vocabulary will be completed for EVERY chapter and will be graded (based on guidelines required for vocabulary handed out in class/summer assignment handout). Vocabulary will be checked at the end of each unit.
3. NOTES: For EVERY chapter, an outline for each chapter must be completed (with notes) and kept in the class notebook. At the end of each chapter there will be review questions that need to be answered in your notebook. These assignments will be checked and graded randomly during the year.
4. JOURNAL: Students will have to maintain a journal. Every student MUST have a portfolio folder with 3 prongs and filler paper. Any color of your choosing. I will collect journal folders for grading (as a writing assignment) several times during the semester. I will read selected entries and, upon occasion, leave notes regarding your answers or comments. Grade is weighted on effort, supportive details in answers, comprehension of material, and demonstration of reflection on material.
5. AP Practice/Review Book: 5 Steps to a 5,