Can Capitalism Lead to Human Happiness Essay Example
Can Capitalism Lead to Human Happiness? NO!!!!!!!!!! Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are owned privately. Business organization produces goods for a market dominated by the force of supply and demand. It is a free market system ruled by competition. The problem is: it doesn’t work. History shows that it has collapse many times. We had 2 in great depressions the 1930’s and 2008 isn’t it coincidence? But the two events don’t really prove that it doesn’t work. Still, half the country worships the concept of a free market economy, refusing to see what is plain to see: Capitalism is seriously flawed. As the Occupy Movement people point out, it is deliriously wonderful for about 1% of the population who own about 25% of the national wealth. It is the other 99% who suffer as Marcus Baram stated in his article. The question we should be asking ourselves is why doesn’t Capitalism work for everyone? It’s because capitalism is out of control. The bankers control U.S. monetary policy. This country of true oligarchy only cares for the rich people in America. The American government only care to protect the wealth of the wealthiest (1). Think about the present collapse left by the former president. What did the government do? Save the banks? Let’s talk about the situation in Europe. The Euro is about to collapse. What was saved? The banks again? Why? How are saving these bank crucial? However, it is the rich people who own these banks who also own the governments. The problem with Capitalism is that it is not perfect and it must be controlled. Everybody hates the idea of being controlled. But when we don’t have controls the economy periodically collapses. And the government only care to save the high class citizens while the middle, lower class suffers. What else can you expect from an oligarchy?
It’s time to realize the capitalism is imperfect. It needs to be controlled. The higher class also needs to be controlled this can be