Every student should have a graduation plan on their mind. A student couldn’t progress without his graduation plan. Such as, a boat without boatman or a computer without processor. Graduation plan refers to what we will do in our future, our educational plan at the organization and what we want to be just like the aim in our life. It’s very important to every student. I’ve also my graduation plan. I’m Shantanu Sarkar. I’m a student of BCSE at IUBAT. IUBAT- International University Of Business Agriculture & Technology. It’s the first non-government university established in Bangladesh. The initial planning began in 1989 and the university established in 1991. Degree programs started in 1992 with agreement with assumption university of Bangkok, Thailand. IUBAT strongly lobbied forth creation of non –government universities and supported the initiative of the government of Bangladesh in passing legislation for formal establishment of non-government universities in the country. IUBAT now operates as a Non-government university Act of 1992. I’ve a graduation plan at IUBAT. I’m a student of BCSE
(Bachelor Of Computer Science & Engineering). And I want to be a software engineer. So, the BCSE degree will be conferred only to the student who has fully complied with the graduation plans and has applied for it. The plans are: •I’ve to complete all the prescribed courses with a minimum of 141 credit hours plus such courses recommended by the department after reviewing individual background. •I’ve to earn ‘A’ grades in each of the core, specialization courses, and English courses. •I’ve to achieve the fulfillment of English language requirement, when relevant. •I’ve to earn a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.8. •I’ve to earn at least ‘A’ or ‘A-’ grade in the practicum. •I’ve to earn at least ‘A’ or ‘A-’ grade in