Project Overview: Library management system is a system which maintain the information about the books present in the library. The books received in the library are entered in books entry form and the new members are entered in the members entry form. When the members wants to get the desired book the same is issued on the availability of the book is also entered into the book issue the members has to pay the fine if any on the basis of no.of days delayed deposit of the book in the library. This project (Library information system) is a general purpose project, which satisfies all the needs of a typical library system. The project has been tailored to solve the problem faced by the librarian, Members & Students in a manual processing of the information.
Library usually perform their work manually in which large amount of time and human effort is wasted in retrieving information, handling of huge data, generation of reports, updating of data etc. these problems can be easily solved by the automation of existing library information.
The package Library information system is fully menu driven and provides very quick and accurate information about all the members, issued and returns status of books
Project Objective: Library information system has been made a view to provide the members with better facilities to obtain Books for knowledge purpose. The main purpose is to provide easy and convenient way to the members to get or issue from library with inbuilt security features. The system provide information about to be issued & returned status of the books and also provides the information that which book is issued to which members. Different members nave different choices of book as per their requirements; this system provides easy navigational features which provide a very user-friendly interface which helps the members to obtain books easily.