In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Two-Year in Computer Science by: Lalisan, Aaron
Del Corro, Angelo
Santos, Joemel
Aregola, Brenda
Navidad, Emmanuel Sir Ronald Dela Cruz
Thesis Adviser
A Library Computer System is the software used to catalog, track circulation (where appropriate) and inventory a library’s assets. It is intended for home, church, private enterprise or other small to medium sized collections. It is an integrated library automation solutions together with enterprise resource planning system for a library, used to track information of the borrowed books, the newly acquire books and the information of the borrower, the information of penalties and magazines, etc.
A Library System usually comprises a relational database, software to interact with that database, and two graphical user interfaces (one for borrowers, one for the librarian). Most integrated library system separate software into discrete programs called modules, each of them integrated with a unified interface. Examples of modules might include:
1. cataloging(classifying and indexing materials)
2. circulation(lending materials to borrowers and receiving returns)
3. serials(tracking magazine and newspaper holdings)the OPAC(public interface for users)
An Online Public Access Catalog(often abbreviated a OPAC or simply Library Catalog) is an online database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users search a library catalog principally to locate books and other material physically located at a library.
Distributed software vs. web service
Library computer systems tend to fall into two offerings: software to be purchased on a perpetual license or purchased as a subscription service. With distributed software the customer can choose to self-install or have