1788- Arrival of first white settlers in Australia on the assumption that Australia was “terra-nullius” (empty land) -1970s term the land was claimed to belong to the Crown (Queen of Britain)
Aborigines were included in British law
-British colony: British government & laws transferred to Australian soil
-population: mostly British
-dominant church: Anglican
-convictism: affected our view of ourselves as part of the British Empire
-Development of Australian nationalism
By 1900: dual nationalism by late 1800s – several events/themes had influenced Australia’s development in national consciousness: 1. Self-government 1823-1840s 2. Gold rush – 1850s -increase in wealth -development of cities/manufacturing -increase in population led to stronger drive for Australia’s nationals 3. Greater proportion of Australians born in Australia 4. Artists, writers, etc. (eg. Henry Lawson)
Race: Australian attitudes toward race
-white Australian policy 1901
- allowed for a “dictation test”
-aimed to exclude anyone of Asian descent & Kanakas (Pacific Islanders)
Note: The Bulletin – Australian newspaper
-application of social Darwinism
-thinking that they are in a lower evolved state
-“the aboriginal race is doomed to die out”
-Protector of the Aborigines – one per state, government elected
Profile of Australia in the 1920s:
Political characteristics:
-Labour party was weak and divided, destined for 10 years in opposition
-connection with Britain extended to foreign policy of Australia, legally bound to Britain foreign policy
-Gallipoli-ANZAC-Australia’s coming of age -we had proven our worth to Britain
-national recognition
-heightened Australia’s sense of security
-extension of the Australian ‘myth’ thru the ANZAC legend
Extent of Unity & Division:
Increase in divisions- division between:
1. Men who fought vs men who stayed home
2. Pro war & pro empire vs anti