Represented in both Macbeth and the Monster is the fact that they both represent the possibility of a new start. The monster essentially benevolent, innocent and freed from prejudice; newly created with a fresh mind and Macbeth the one who was just given the “Thane of Cawdor” title representing a whole folk who look up to him and hope for a new start after their “Thane of Cawdor” had just failed to be faithful. Macbeth and the Monster as well both release their Anger of not getting what they crave for by killing; Macbeth killing the King, longing for the Title and the Monster killing William longing for the companionship and the need of a partner. They release their sorrow with bad deeds and horrible mistakes and decisions. As soon as the evil side has taken over Macbeth and the Monster they both long for control. Macbeth wants to take control by getting the king’s title and making the decisions in the country and the Monster wants to take control of Victor Frankenstein’s life (his creator) to get what he want’s, which is a partner, and he does this by killing his Friend and Family around him leaving him alone and sorrowful.
Represented in both Macbeth and the Monster is the transition from this new beginning to their “darker” side including evil deeds. When comparing the two looking at their differences you find a lot of these. Frankenstein’s monster is upset and turns to the