Conflict Management Plan
1. Identify the available conflict management strategies and their strengths and weaknesses.
|Strategy |Strengths |Weaknesses |
| |Someone must always submit will to another |This can cause more strife and conflict |
|Competing, where each individual is |to be able to accomplish what must happen, |because it denotes a winner or looser |
|looking out for their best interests and |when the best capable person stands up to |situation and people may resent and avoid |
|desires no matter what it costs their |take on the job and to avoid having the |the partnership in the future. |
|coworkers |wrong person take advantage of others | |
| |subordinate to them | |
| |Minor issues can sometimes be resolved by |The detractors of this is that if you avoid |
| |this and hoping someone else will take care|the issue it can either snowball out of |
|Avoidance strategy, where a person |of the issue. If a person acknowledges that|control or someone else will make the |
|withdraws and hides from any conflict this|they cannot change the issue then avoidance|decision and then you have to live with the |
|is neither a win or lose. |is more likely to happen |choice made due to not putting in any part |
| | |of the decision making process. |
| |If everyone works together and