This style indicates low concern for self and high concern for others is associated with attempting to play down the differences and emphasizing commonalities to satisfy the concern of the other party. A person using the obliging style is satisfying the needs of others while ignoring or sacrificing his or her own needs. Obliging is associated with accommodating behaviors that include putting aside one's own needs to please the partner, explicitly expressing harmony and cooperation, making yielding or conceding statements in a conflict episode (Hocker and Wilmot, 1998). This types of conflict strategies are indirect and cooperative (Blake and Mouton, 1964). It can be used as a strategy when a party is expecting to get something in exchange from the other party when …show more content…
This avoiding style has also been called non-confrontation and withdrawal that is shown to be inappropriate and ineffective (Gross and Guerrero, 2000). This style indicates low concern for self and others which has been associated with withdrawal, buck-passing, or sidestepping situations. It reflects little concern to the interests of either party and is likely to ignore or deny an actual or potential disagreement. An avoiding person fails to satisfy his or her own concern as well as the concern of the other party. People using avoiding style handle conflict by suppressing, setting aside, ignoring and refusing to address the issues. The avoiding style is useful when the conflicts are trivial, potential dysfunctional effect of confronting the other party outweighs the benefits of conflict resolution. This style has often been found to be used when individuals deal with perceived tactical or minor issues (Afzalur, Garrett, & Buntzman,