Creation Civilization Order of Chaos
During the early years of civilization “chaos” was known as a dark, silent, formless and infinite oddity with no trace of life. Within the history of chaos begins with mythological accounts that were constructed by diverse ancient civilizations such as Greek (Theogony), Hebrew (Genesis) and the Egyptian creations.
According to Hesiod’s Theogony (700 B.C) in the beginning there was chaos as a primeval state of its existence. Mother Earth (Gaea) was out of chaos when she first came to existence.(page 42 line116) In Greek terms chaos means a gap or chasm; not necessarily an disorder. In Theogony, chaos also created Tartarus, the embodiment of the underworld which he built his own home deep below the world of Gaea. Hesiod also showed love as it appeared out of chaos, in the form of Eros. (Page 42 lines 122-124) Eros was known as the most handsome of all Greek gods and he was invincible by nature. Chaos gave birth to Erebos and black night, Erebos mated with night and made her pregnant and she then gave birth to Ether and Day.
Unfortunately, Hesiod’s Theogony isn’t the only creation story that lets the reader know that there speaking about chaos. In the book of Genesis, God created the heaven and earth. Before Earth was created, it was without form and void. Now, reading that gave us our first clue about chaos existence. God stated, "Let there be light," and there was light. Then god separated the light from the darkness. He also created the land, plants, and animals. He saw everything he created and, behold, it was good. The heavens and earth were completed and all that dwelled within them. On the seventh day he rested. The earth was complete, but there was nothing to take care of this creation. So, God created man in the image of himself. Man was created from the dust of the ground. God gave him the breath of life and the man became a living soul (page 158). As God planted the Garden in Eden, he placed