The book ¨Speak¨ by Laurie Halse Anderson was about a girl named Melinda that was raped at a party during the summer by Andy Evans. Speak has many different themes; Adolescence, communication, growth, female empowerment, friendship. But depression was the accurate theme . You see Melinda go through depression and her not speaking up about it.…
In this unit we read Wendy Guerra's Everyone Leaves and wrote a timed essay about one of Everyone Leaves’ themes. Some examples of themes found throughout the book is growing up with an unstable family and the obstacles of life in Cuba. In my essay I focused in the theme obstacles of growing up in Cuba because I felt that it was an interesting theme that is real in our world and affects people. Everyone Leaves is a book about a young girl named Nieve growing up in Cuba with a broken family. Nieve grew up in poverty and also had to deal with a lot of drama from her family and her school. Throughout the book Nieve feels she has nobody to go to with her problems so she writes down everything important to her in her diary. The tone used…
In the book, “Speak” by, Laurie Halse Anderson, we are taken on a journey through the life of a young girl, named Melinda Sordino. We quickly learn that Melinda is a rape survivor that becomes mute after encountering sexual violence at a party during summer break, right before the start of her freshman year of high school. Melinda carries the burden of this secret with her in shame and in silence, from the hallways of her school to the doors of her home; internally isolating herself from everyone.…
Point of View: note the shifting point of view and how the buildup of realism and dissatisfaction with the condition in which all of the major and minor character are living start to develop over time.…
In the book “Speak”, Melinda grows from being honest with herself about her emotions. From this, she began to think positively, which changed her mindset and her behaviour. Melinda also was able to seek help from others. After going through these three stages, honesty, positivity, and finding outside support, Melinda was able to refine herself throughout the story and become an improved version of herself. It is impossible for one to change overnight, and starting with small actions of growth can lead to the achievement of a renewed version of…
Speak is a teen novel written by Laurie Halse Anderson, it’s the story of freshman Melinda Sordino. Everybody in her high school doesn’t like her because last summer she went to a party and called the cops. Ever since she doesn’t speak and has no friends because she doesn't want to tell anybody the truth. She later on gets the courage to say something because one of her ex-best friends is going out with popular senior named Andy Evans. We find out later in the book that Melinda was raped by Andy at the party. That is why she called the cops. The book is about Melinda trying to accept the fact that she was raped and needs help. It is also about her struggling to try and fit in while dealing with her school, home problems and friends.…
Often in life and in literature, people find themselves in overpowering situations. This is what Herodotus was referring to when he wrote, “Men are at the mercy of events and cannot control them.” In other words, people suffer not because of their own actions, but because of the situation in which they find themselves. This is true in considering Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck because George and Lennie, the two protagonists, and other minor characters suffer due to events beyond their control. Herodotus’ quotation is also true in considering William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, because the protagonists, Romeo and Juliet, are also overpowered by the forces that surround them. Herodotus’ quote proves particularly true in considering the setting of both novels, the conflicts within the two texts, and the characterization of the protagonists and even the minor characters within the novels.…
“The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding.” - Albert Camus. In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a group of British schoolboys become stranded on a deserted tropical island after their plane is shot down. Without the rules and structure of civilization the boys quickly descend into savagery. Some of the boys who are led by Ralph, the group’s chosen leader, are peaceful and work together to achieve common goals. The others led by Jack are hunters who act selfishly and indulge in violence. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, tells the story of Macbeth, a brave Scottish general, who receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will be the King of Scotland. His ambitious thoughts and influence from his wife spurs him to murder King Duncan and seize the throne. Macbeth becomes a tyrannical ruler and is forced to commit more murders in order to protect himself from suspicion. In literature, evil seems like a good choice and is slightly successful but in the end it is proven to be less than good, possibly even harmful. The idea that evil often triumphs but never conquers in literature is true. This is shown in Golding’s Lord of the Flies and Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph is chosen the leader and sets the goal of getting rescued using a signal fire to attract ships. Jack is the leader of the hunters and wishes to use authoritarian rule over democratic rule. Jack is ruled over by evil through his selfishness in wanting to hunt and forget about the fire. He hides behind a mask and quickly moves towards complete savagery. He never gets that far since the boys are rescued by a naval officer. In Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth is persuaded by his wife, Lady Macbeth, to murder the king of Scotland so he will take the throne. Lady Macbeth makes Macbeth feel unmanly and cowardly so he…
After taking the Ethical Lens Inventory, I have discovered that my personal lens is the Results Lens. Upon further reading I discovered how that translated into my values, strengths, weaknesses, and my blind spot as well as how to see more clearly. The key phrase for those with the Results Lens is “I make choices that are good for everyone.”…
Point of view is an important literary device that an author may use to help enrich the plot of the story. Different point of views (such as first person, third person, omniscient, ect) offer a different style of storytelling and can be used to great effect. Ernest Hemmingway and Richard Ford’s stories feature different point of views. “Great Falls” is told in first person with the main character, Jackie, serving as the narrator. In “Hills Like White Elephants” a third person point of view is used. These two different point of views create a vastly different perspective for the reader.…
Communication is a fundamental part of working in a professional environment. Without proper communication, nothing will get done. Outside the Lens is a very collaborative and communicative company as is the work the students the students do at Muirlands, so I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to have good communication and understanding. It’s also important to self-advocate for yourself otherwise you won’t accomplish anything you want. My mentor has always left room for self-advocacy by telling me to let him know if there was anything specific I wanted to learn, or focus on. I’ve felt confident enough to speak up whenever there’s something I want and that’s helped me out while working on my project. While editing I decided I needed more…
Imagine skipping that awkward childhood stage of life and going straight to being an adult; never having to worry about parent’s rules or curfews. But if all of a sudden, one was forced into the world of adults with the mindset of a newborn child, one would not know the difference between right and wrong and possibly even become a victim. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the monster is the true victim of the book. He is abused in multiple ways, he does nothing to warrant the unjust treatment he receives and he is forced into solitude.…
WRITING A CRITICAL LENS ESSAY: STEPS TO FOLLOW INTRODUCTION: 1. Copy the critical lens statement. 2. Restate the critical lens statement by paraphrasing it in your own words. Start with In other words, 3. Agree or disagree with the critical lens statement and identify the works you will discuss. Here are two possible starts for your sentence (choose one): A. The truth of this statement is shown by … (the novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck and the novel The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway). B. This statement is supported by … (genres, titles, authors) 4. Thesis statement here. FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH: 5. The topic sentence should relate to the critical lens statement and the book Example: If the critical lens statement is: "Conflict in literature provide challenges to characters", a possible topic sentence is … In The Pearl, Kino faces conflicts that challenges him. 6. Include a brief plot summary (one sentence). 7. Explain your first example, with lots of textual evidence (ex. information from the book about a conflict he faces). You may begin with One example … (of a conflict that challenges Kino is …). 8. Identify literary techniques the author uses that support your analysis (from the notebox). 9. Make a transition into your second example (Another example… ; On the other hand…) 10. Explain your second example, with lots of specific textual evidence. 11. Write a wrap sentence that again refers to the critical lens statement.…
Like these two characters, each of us has a social monster inside us that desires to be free. For some, it could be the social monster of The Narrator, who feels the need to destroy the things in a society that have shackled him. For others it could be the Frankenstein Monster who on the outside looks hideous but has a loving, compassionate side that society does not get to see because of the way they have perceived him. Much like the racial and gender profiling of today or the way society has a perception of a so called…
Optometrists are healthcare professionals that provide particular attention to the eyes and vision. Optometrists are educated to improve the vision of Optometric patients, and in some cases, they are trained to spot, diagnose, and cleanse an array of eye illnesses, as well as detect different diseases. They usually proceed by distributing a variety of corrective lenses. Furthermore optometrists assist their patients on how to use their prescriptions and they tackle different areas in this particular medical field. It is a very beneficial career course. To become an Optometrist is a highly rigorous process that takes many years to actually accomplish. Yet it is probably one of my best options that will lead me to success. Though they are not technically doctors, they do receive a title that is…