EXAMPLE TERM: pulmonology
Word Root(s) pulmon Combining Vowel(s) o Combining Form(s) pulmon/o Suffix
Analysis Diagram pulmon/o/logy Plural Form n/a Abbreviation n/a Prefix Definition n/a Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Study of
Definition (Technical)
Study of the lung (a branch of medicine dealing with diseases of the lung)
Definition (Layman)
An area of medicine that studies the lung and conditions that deal with the lung.
New Term from One Word Root
In this Assignment you will need to complete an analysis chart for ten (10) medical terms. Please be sure to complete the information for all 14 spaces. If there is not an applicable answer please indicate this by entering “n/a” in the space. At the end of the project be sure to list all applicable references and cite them in APA format.
Please see the example listed below:
Unit 3 Assignment
Montana Hinshaw
Kaplan University
HS111-_3_ (section #) Medical Terminology
Professor: Teresa Thomas
Term: intradermal
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: biopsy
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: onychophagia
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: anteroposterior
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: staphylococcus
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: lateral
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: laryngotracheobronchitis
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: oximeter
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: anoxia
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
Term: dyspnea
Word Root(s)
Combining Vowel(s)
Combining Form(s)
Analysis Diagram
Plural Form
Prefix Definition
Word Root Definition(s)
Suffix Definition
Definition (Technical)
Definition (Layman)
New Term from One Word Root
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