考生姓名 ORK, SOVANNAROTH 考生学号 I201221053 系、年 SCHOLL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 类 别 MASTER 考试科目 SURVEY OF CHINA 考试日期 2013 年 5 月 6 日
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Understanding about Cambodian Rice
I. Introduction Cambodia is a tropical climate and located between 102° to 108° E and 10° to 15° N in Southeast Asia. The country is bordered on northeast by Thailand, north by Laos, east by Vietnam and south by Gulf of Siam and covers a geographical areas of 181 035 km2. The population of the country is 9 million inhabitants. The day length varies from 11 hours 29 minutes to 12 hours 48 minutes without twilight. Mean maximum and minimum temperature range among 30 to 36°C and 21 to 25°C