Ending Religious Conflicts in Uganda, Africa—the Lra Essay Example
In Uganda, Africa, 85% of the population is of the Christian religion, 12% is of the Muslim religion, and 3% is other, according to the U.S. Department of State (“Background Note: Uganda”). Africa is not a constructed country that bases them around only one religion. The citizens who reside in this country have the freedom to practice any religion they please. Yet, a major religious conflict fired up in Uganda, Africa during the late 1980’s when a group developed together to take on the Ugandan government. This group is called the Lord Resistance Army (LRA), and is still fighting against the government today. The LRA is led by a man, Joseph Kony, who just recently became famous around the world for his cruel acts upon the children of Uganda. The LRA has committed many crimes; such as, combat crimes, abduction of over 30,000 children and counting, rape, turning young girls into sex slaves, turning young boys into servants, and all types of murder. The purpose of this group is to transform the current Ugandan government from a Republic to a Theocracy because Joseph Kony and his group believe that the country should abide by the Ten Commandments ("Uganda: Key People and Parties"). To end this fatal and brutal conflict, we as a country must come together and show our own government how much interest and support we have towards the victims of the LRA. By showing our support and interest, the government will then realize how horrible this is, and provide much more needed help than what we as people can give. Together, we can catch Joseph Kony and save many, many Ugandan lives.
Although Joseph Kony is the current leader of the LRA, he was not the only creator of it. A lady named Alice Auma, nicknamed “Lakwena,” meaning “the messenger,” believed that the Holy Spirit was sending her messages about conquering the Ugandan government. Gerard Prunier described her and her group in his book, “Africa’s World War,” as a “…millenarian cult led by a young prophetess”