Semester 2 17 Assignments
Week 5 Pre-Test, 5.03, 5.04A, 5.06, 5.08
Week 6 6.02C, 6.03, 6.04A, 6.08B
Week 7 7.03A, 7.03B 7.05B, 7.08
Week 8 8.01, 8.02A and B, 8.03, 8.05 (segment exam)
5.03- A rose for Emily
Part I: Character Identification in "A Rose for Emily"
In complete sentence format, identify each of the following characters. Remember reporters, be sure to include as much information as possible to give your readers a vivid picture of each of the following characters: 1. Emily Grierson: Emily Grierson was a young lady, whose life was always run by her father. Her father who was of very high standard never felt that any man was good enough for his daughter therefore, she never married. 2. Colonel Sartoris: Colonel Sartoris was the former mayor of the town, when he was alive he had established the myth that the town had to take care of Emily and therefore, she did not have to pay taxes. 3. Tobe: Tobe was Emily’s faithful servant; he did all her errands and never socializes with anyone. 4. Judge Stevens: Judge Stevens was the mayor of the town when Emily was alive, when a woman complained to him about the smell that was coming from Emily’s house he did not know how to tell Emily, therefore, he suggested that the men pour lime around the premises to get rid of the smell. 5. Homer Barron: Homer Barron was the gentleman that everyone though Emily had married. However, Barron was not the marrying type; he had said so many times while in town drinking with the younger men at the elks.
Part 2 1. What metaphor is used to describe Miss Emily in the first paragraph? In the first paragraph Miss Emily is described as a “fallen monument”, after she died everyone went to her home, not so much to pay respect, but, to see how she lived and see the inside of her house. 2. How is the house personified in the second paragraph of this story? The house is personified in the second paragraph, by saying “a